A Star Was Born

2010 July - 2020 January

Created by Amy 4 years ago

On July 19th 2010 a shinning star Fraser was born at 27weeks gestation, Weighing 660grams. After many troubles he finally made it home from hospital on October 17th 2010.
Fraser's health had been very up and down with many hospital admissions and appointments. In March 2014 a MRI scan revealed Fraser had calcium on his brain. Doctors were unsure what this meant for him and the family. The specialists suspected this was the cause of his health needs.

After an amazing family holiday to Florida in April 2018 Fraser became unwell on the flight home, his health continued to deteriorated over the following months. 

October 2018 the family recieved a diagnosis for Fraser,  Coats Plus Syndrome, which is a very rare genetic disorder affecting around 20 children worldwide. This is a life limiting syndrome that impacts multiple organs.

The family were told that his deterioration would continue and two years would be the maximum time left with him. So the family set on making as many good memories, not knowing how long the journey was going to be.

In November 2019 Fraser was admitted to Addenbrooks Hospital for some treatment that was hoped to give him a little longer and reduce the pain he was in. It was not as successful as hoped and one week later he went in to East Anglian Children's Hospice (EACH) where the family were told he was at palliative care.

EACH provided wonderful care for the whole family. They not only looked after Fraser's needs they allowed the family to remain together day and night providing them with every day living from hot meals through to emotional needs such as counselling. EACH helped to assure the family that special memories with Fraser were made right up to the end.

He defied the doctors as he had all through his life and with his cheeky smile carried on until 17th January 2020 when he chose to join the stars above.